26 March 2009

Lets go fly a kite...

Our interactive arts class went on a trip to Glossop recently to fly kites.  I took a kite I had brought, because I had been making miniature kites to be flown indoors, so it wasn't possible to fly them on the windy hills of Glossop.  Even though my brought kite was un-flyable, quite a few of us tried but it keep crashing to the ground.  However, lots of other students kites were successful, my favourite was one made by an erasmus student; where a line of 5 kites were strung together.  A simple carrier bag kite form Genette was really effective.  Steph and Julia's parachute worked well (with some muscle power from Cen) and they managed to get it too glide down the hill side.  I thought the best thing was Jon's idea of letting a reel of red and white tape go, it caught the wind and floated delicately across the valley.  It was like a drawing across the landscape, it was great how such a simple technique created such a beautiful effect. 

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